Birdwatching Tour

Experience with Tenti Kyrgyzstan

Tour at glance

Best Time to Go

June, July, August, September

Cost of Tour per Person

Duration of the Tour

12 days

Difficulty Level


Type of Tour




Birdwatching Tour

Experience an exclusive 12-day birdwatching adventure in Kyrgyzstan, from June to September, meticulously crafted in partnership with the Bird Watching Society of Kyrgyzstan. The tour initiates and concludes in Bishkek, taking you through the verdant forests and elevated terrains of Eastern Kyrgyzstan to the soaring heights of the Tian-Shan mountains. Revel in the unparalleled opportunity to observe a plethora of birds, from the secretive Pallas’ grasshopper warbler to the striking red-mantled rosefinch, against a backdrop of extraordinary landscapes and cultural marvels. Traverse from the arid southern shores to the expansive skies at over 3000 meters, delving into the untamed central valleys, all while seeking rare species and understanding the Kyrgyz nomadic traditions. The journey culminates with explorations around Bishkek, promising encounters with unique steppe birds and alpine species, ensuring a memorable conclusion to a remarkable expedition.

Sample Itinerary

Days 1, 2, 3: Forests and Mountains of Eastern Kyrgyzstan

This first part of the trip is centered around the city of Karakol, a former Russian imperial frontier post, on the eastern edge of the lake Issyk Kul and nested in the feet of the Tian-Shan mountains. From this multicultural city, we will explore the shores of the lake Issyk-Kul to observe quantities of waders (including Kentish plovers and Pied avocet) and wildfowls; migration up to late May can bring common and demoiselle cranes. Not far from the lake we should also see the elusive Pallas’ grasshopper warbler and the corncrake.

High above the lake, we will wander in the fir and juniper forests of the Tian-Shan looking for the vibrant diversity of species, including: Eversman’s, blue-capped and black redstarts, Himalayan rubythroat, sulfur-bellied, Hume’s and greenish warblers, white-browed tit-warbler and the stunning red-mantled rosefinch. Pine bunting, nutcrackers and Songar tit (subspecies of the willow) will be looked for at a lower altitude.

We will then go way higher, passing the last tree line to venture in the high valleys and plateaus of the Central Tian-Shan. There, in this cold and rough environment, we will look for hardy and very desirable species, including: Güldenstadt’s redstart, black-headed and plain mountain finches, snowfinch, brown and Altai accentors while contemplating golden eagles and Himalayan griffons. We will also look for the Himalayan Snowcock (it is a highly hunted species and close-up views are difficult).

Between birding times, we will also discover some of the local cultural wonders including typical architecture and gastronomy.

Days 4, 5: The Dry Shores of Southern Issyk - Kul

This part of the trip gets us from the lush mountains and shores of Eastern Issyk-Kul to the desert and rough landscapes of the West. Who says rock, sand, dust and spiky bushes means birding paradise. In this environment of ochre, yellows and reds, we will be looking for the gray-necked bunting, Hume’s whitethroat, Asian short-toed and shore larks, Mongolian finch, rufous-tailed rock thrush and Chukar partridge. At dawn we will scout the badlands for the little owl (hutton subspecies) and do our best to observe the Pallas’ and black-bellied sandgrouse.

Finally, as we will be looking for more hospitable (and cooler) landscapes to have a break, we shall see one of the stars of the Tian-Shan: the ibisbill and its escort of white-throated and brown dippers.

Days 6, 7, 8: Under The Great Sky Of The Tian - Shan

Time to go up and explore the highest mountains of our tour. This part of the itinerary will be spent mainly above 3000m. Our route will cross gorgeous landscapes of lush meadows crowned by high summits. Between these frozen giants lie the jewels of Kyrgyzstan: the lakes of Song-Kul and Chatyr-Kul. These are two prime birding spots, home to bar-headed geese (the only colony in Kyrgyzstan), lesser sand-plovers, Barbary falcons, black stork mountain passerines such as twites and rosefinches, and dozens of vultures and eagles.

Our stay in this region, an historical leg of the Silk roads, wouldn’t be complete if we were not setting our base-camps for our birding by centuries-old Caravanserai and nomadic yurt camps. A perfect location to discover the lifestyle of the Kyrgyz nomads.

Days 9, 10: The Wild Center Of Kyrgyzstan

After the cold steppes of the high Tian-Shan, we will go down in altitude and explore the rugged and dry valleys of the center of Kyrgyzstan. This part of the trip is definitively off the beaten track. We will observe vulture colonies (bearded vulture, Himalayan vulture, Eurasian griffon, black vulture and the endangered Egyptian vulture), Eastern rock-nuthatch, lesser kestrel and blue rock-thrush. We will drive up and down the gorges of the Naryn and Kokmoren rivers to explore lost riparian forests looking for white-winged woodpeckers, white- capped buntings, yellow-breasted azure tits and white-crowned penduline tits.

Days 11, 12: Bishkek's Melodic Finale

After a final venture in the high mountains, our journey takes us back to Bishkek, an ideal base to explore the surrounding mountains, but also lowlands of the Chuy valley. We will be looking at some steppe species (Shikra, little bustard, Calendra lark) on our way back to the capital, and search for adorable rufous-naped tit, brown dippers and blue-whistling thrush in the mountains above the city.

Highlights of the Tour

Diverse Avian Spectacle

Witness a mesmerizing array of bird species in Kyrgyzstan, from the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul to the rugged valleys, featuring elusive birds like the Pallas’ grasshopper warbler and Himalayan Snowcock for an unparalleled birdwatching adventure.


Cultural Immersion and Nomadic Lifestyle

Immerse yourself in Kyrgyz culture by staying in traditional yurts, engaging in nomadic activities like Kok Boru, and exploring historical Caravanserai, creating a unique blend of birdwatching and cultural discovery.


Scenic Silk Road Exploration

Explore the historical Silk Road, discovering ancient caravanserais like Tash Rabat against the backdrop of stunning lakes and mountains. This tour seamlessly combines natural beauty with historical significance for a memorable journey through Kyrgyzstan.

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• Comfortable 4×4 SUVs for the whole tour with experienced drivers
• Accommodation in premium hotels in Bishkek, Karakol as specified in the itinerary
• Professional guide for the duration of the tour
• Comprehensive excursion programs to notable landmarks and attractions
• Three meals a day featuring local cuisine
• Airport transfers to and from designated airports
• Life, health, and luggage insurance coverage for the duration of the tour

• Personal expenses such as souvenirs, alcoholic beverages, and additional snacks
• Optional activities or excursions not included in the provided itinerary
• Gratuities for guides, instructors, and hotel staff
• Visa fees and related expenses
• Any medical expenses not covered by the provided insurance
• Additional transportation or expenses incurred outside of the planned itinerar

• Comfortable walking shoes for exploring historical sites
• Lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for warm weather
• Sun protection including hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen
• Layered clothing for cooler evenings
• Swimsuit for any opportunities to swim or relax by pools

• Camera or smartphone for capturing memories
• Portable charger and adapters for electronics
• Daypack for carrying essentials during excursions
• Water bottle to stay hydrated
• Binoculars for wildlife or landscape viewing
• Travel-sized toiletries and medications

• Passport and copies of important documents
• Travel insurance information
• Currency in local currency (Kyrgyz som) and small denominations for tipping
• Personal medications and first aid kit
• Snacks for long drives or excursions
• Language guide or translator app for communication

• Open mind and curiosity for experiencing new cultures and traditions
• Flexibility for changes in itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather or local events
• Willingness to try new foods and embrace local customs
• Sense of adventure and readiness for exploration in a diverse and historically rich region

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